​Pole Dance & Aerial Fitness
Greenville, SC
New? Intro To Pole: $20
New Student Special - 1 Month Unlimited: $120​​
The Pole Academy Team:
Jax Spencer
Owner &
Master Instructor
Have you ever wished you were someone else? No matter what age you are or what stage you are in your life, you wish some things were at least different. You can wish to be thinner, taller, or even more attractive. I ask because I went though this all my teenage years – which are especially traumatic. No matter where my confidence level was I would still look in the mirror and hope to see something different and one day, I did. Growing up I was insanely active and took a dance class including tap, jazz and ballet briefly. I guess I did not quite understand the art in it and was too focused on doing my “own thing” at the time. I was never a real dancer, a gymnast, or even a cheerleader. During my teenage years I became less active and my metabolism slowed. My diet turned drastically for the worse and the only exercise I got was walking or riding my bike to my destination before I learned to drive. I was quickly gaining weight and giving myself excuses as to why. I attempted to diet but cheated on it within a week and went back to living off fast food. I told myself that walking to my friends house a block away was my cardio for the day. High school was emotionally destructive and while I carried my weight well for my height I was overall unhappy when I looked in the mirror. After graduation I moved in with my boyfriend at the time. He was into dieting and exercising and really educated me on what I could do to improve my health and body. I wanted to change and finally had some support to start. I began watching what I put in my body – portions, carbs, sugars, etc. I bought fat free or low sodium groceries and cut back on the snacking. I ate 3 or 4 smaller portioned meals a day instead of 1 or 2 huge meals. I started to take a daily vitamin and involve cardio into my daily routine. Everything was going great for about a month – then I was bored. I began to hate my daily routine and eating the same things. I went back to cheating on my diet and skipping my work out sessions. I was on the fast track backwards. I re-gained my weight, my self esteem dropped, and I was back to being depressed. My then fiancee was slowly no help and I decided to move on with a couple different things in my life. Not shortly after I was out when a pole artist caught my eye. I was stunned; I couldn’t take my eyes off of her during her entire performance! I began to investigate the pole dancing and fitness community and to my surprise it was becoming more popular and less taboo. I concluded poling was an intense workout and after talking to many enthusiasts I was willing to give it a try! I bought my first XPOLE from Karol Helms’ site (my first pole crush and new friend). I began to watch YouTube videos of her and everyone that I could find to learn new transitions, tricks, and combos. Being self taught there was a lot of trial and error until I mastered everything I could. I found myself not wanting to get off the pole after hours of sweating and even some close calls of falling! I didn’t care – I wanted to perfect every move, every step, every flip! I didn’t get bored… After 4 years of dancing I can proudly admit I am a complete pole addict! I choose my own music to dance to which really elevates the mood. I get lost in it and feel my body do things I never knew it could! I’ve lost over 30lbs from getting back into dieting and exercising and incorporating pole fitness. It’s a workout but I have so much fun learning so many new tricks, transitions, and combos that it never gets boring. My body started to change and my friends took notice. They wanted to know what my so-called “secret” was and how they could do the same. I was always very open when poling came up in such discussions and my enthusiasm slowly started to entice others! Being self taught, I had to figure out on my own how to break every trick down. I had to become comfortable with the pole to dance gracefully with it – not just on it. This allowed me to understand the process of the fitness aspect of it which in turned helped me to help others. I soon had a high demand for myself to teach others and well, I just thought that was a brilliant idea. I thought, why shouldn’t I help others? It was always fun for me to learn but would have been great if someone was there when I first started! I began to work on a cirriculum that covered everything from dancing and floorwork to actual tricks and combinations. I love educating people about pole fitness and helping them with their fitness needs. I enjoy hearing how pole fitness had helped others and how happy my own students get when they see improvements in themselves. I was once at the same place as many of my students and I want them to know it can be done! I look and feel better than I ever did in high school and not a lot of people can say that! My clothes fit better and I’ve even had to buy new ones because none of my old clothes fit my anymore! My boyfriend of course doesn’t mind how I look in my bikini during summer but most of all when I look in the mirror – I stare – at myself! I flex my arms and don’t see that flabby mess underneath. I turn sideways and back just to check out my own stomach. I stare at my own legs in shorts just because of how lean they look. My self esteem has sky rocketed, I feel more energetic, and I never get bored with my workouts. I dream about pole dancing, I talk non-stop about pole dancing, I enjoy it so much that I teach it, and I wouldn’t have it any other way!
Pronoun: Her-She *Kiss*
Training & Education:
18 Years Experience
XPERT Certified Level 1 & 2
Certified Flexibility Flow
Certified CRNP Spinning Tricks Level 1 & 2
Certified CRNP Floor Rocker
Certified Twerk Technician
CPR / AED / First Aid Certified
House Of Twilight Founder
The Aerial Hour Podcast Guest
HeauxxxCast Podcast Guest
Pole Sport Organization Unicorn
Get Fit & Pole Trainer
Pole Con Workshop Leader
You Know You're A Poler When Collective Founder
Hoodlum Fang Ambassador
Heaux Apparel Am-Bad-Ass-Adore
Rarr Designs
Just Strong Ambassador
Popl Ambassador
IPIA Ambassador

Studio Manager & Instructor
I took pole after years of admiring the studio from a distance because I always felt not ‘ready’. I didn’t feel in-shape enough, I was worried about being the biggest figure in the room, and a handful of other reasons. My first Intro I was not the most graceful, but it was like a switch was flipped, and I’ve been hooked since!
Everyone I have met at the studio, from our wonderful Instructors to fellow students, has been so supportive. There are certainly many times where Jax or Kilo have literally held me up, or spun me around so I could land a trick. They want you to feel proud in yourself inside, and outside, the studio.
Besides being amazing teachers, they are also wonderful bosses. Working the front desk is pretty much a dream. I absolutely love it when people call with questions and they just get even more excited to come to class! I can’t wait to see you in class, and I’m here to help anyway I can.
Pronoun: She/Her
XPERT Pole Level 1 & 2
Flexibility Flow
The Pole Circus 2021

Hey! My names Ally /Ally Cat! I first started my pole journey with pole at The Pole Academy when they first opened their doors in Greenville . I wanted to try something different & something that was challenging - not to mention to get more confidence in myself ; inside & out. After taking a few classes little did I know I feel in love! Doing pole has opened a door in my life that I can’t go back too! I’ve been able to travel , compete in competitions , perform for fun, meet some awesome pole dancer friends on the way, & met some of my pole idols!! Not to mention I got my Xpole certification Lvl. 1 & 2 , along with CRNP for Floor Rockers! There’s still so much to learn & I want to keep learning as a teacher & student! I’m so excited to help the students thrive at The Pole Academy !
Pronoun: She/Her
3rd Place - PSO Southern 2017 - Championship Level 3
3rd Place - PSO Triangle 2018 - Championship Level 3
PSO Triangle 2019 - Low Flow Level 2/3
2nd Place - PSO Southern 2019 - Dramatic Level 3
XPERT Pole Level 1 & 2
CRNP Floor Rocker
Flexibility Flow

Hey there! I'm Niki and my pole journey began in December 2017. I've danced in one style or another since I was three years old, but I was introduced to the aerial community during a college internship.
I pursued it further once I graduated, and eventually started teaching in 2018. I didn't jump into pole right away though. I come from a conservative background, so I had a lot of negative associations with pole dancing. In the beginning, I stuck with hammock, lyra, and other non-aerial dance styles. However, the more I was around pole and saw performances, I realized it wasn't at all what I thought. It's a beautiful, artistic pursuit that takes a huge amount of strength.
So I finally tried a class and I fell in love. I started teaching pole in April 2019, and I competed in PSO Dramatic Level 2 that summer - earning 2nd place in my division. I love pole because it makes me feel strong and powerful and beautiful. And I hope I can help you feel that way, too.
Pronoun: She/Her
2nd Place - PSO Southern 2019 - Dramatic Level 2
3rd Place - PSO Nationals 2021 - Entertainment Level 3
3rd Place - PSO Triangle 2023 - Entertainment Level 4
XPERT Pole Level 1 & 2
FAB Pole Level 1 & 2
CPR / AED / First Aid

Hi. My name is Ducky. Sometimes Red Ducky - but I answer to both.
What brought me to The Pole Academy was wanting to build strength. I've never enjoyed upper body workouts due to issues with my shoulders. I always admired pole fitness and I always knew I would try it one day. Once I tried it, I fell in love.
I started my pole journey in 2019. I found The Pole Academy through Groupon and I loved my first class. I am still growing and learning. I love to dance and I particularly love twerking.
I have always had passion for teaching and empowering other folks to feel confident, sexy and in charge. This is what TPA represents to me. It is my home away from home and these people are my second family.
Pronoun: She/Her
XPERT Pole Level 1 & 2
Twerk Technician
CPR / AED / First Aid

Hi! My name is Stitch. I’ve been attending The Pole Academy since November of 2020.
Falling in love with pole dancing was only one of the major changes Pole has brought to my life. It has opened my mind to new levels of confidence as well as introduced me to a community full of encouraging and passionate people.
Pole will continue to be a part of my life as long as my shoulders will let it.
Pronoun: She/Her
Xpert Pole Level 1 & 2

My name is Dahlia (she/her) and I am your resident socially anxious babe. I am obsessed with cats, candy, video games, anime, art, and as I am sure you have guessed, pole.
My pole journey began back in 2015. I was feeling really down on myself at the time, but pole lifted me up and boosted my confidence. I have always struggled with body image. Pole helps me to see beyond this and be proud of all of the progress I have made and the strength I have gained. Over the years, pole has shaped my personal growth and I look forward to encouraging growth in others.
One of my favorite parts of the pole community is how diverse it is. It is heartwarming to feel comfortable taking up space with other people from all sorts of backgrounds. I have always been an artist at heart and I am thrilled to start a career in something that is a creative outlet. I am excited to be spinning with everyone in new ways.
Pronoun: She/Her
Xpert Pole Level 1 & 2

Hey Y’all, I’m Tiffany a.k.a Pinky.
I am 28 years young & I am addicted to pole fitness. I came to TPA to find my sexy & my strength, one year later and I’ve done just that! Being a part of a pole studio has been so beneficial to my mental & physical growth. Pole has driven me to continuously strive to be better than I was the day before, whether that’s on the pole or in my daily life.
To know me it’s to love me and hopefully I’ll get to teach you all soon at TPA!
Pronoun: She/Her
XPERT Pole Level 1 & 2

Hello! I’m Sinnabon and I’ve been doing pole since January 2022.
All of my life, I’ve really enjoyed leading a fit lifestyle. I did basketball when I was younger, and in high school, I was in the marching band and I was a sprinter, thrower, and jumper in the sport of track and field. Throughout college, I had a fitness regimen as well as an overall active lifestyle walking to and from classes every day. Still, I wanted to make my fitness regimen more intentional and something I’d want to do as long as I live. After a while, curls and squats became very repetitive and boring, and hitting personal records wasn’t as satisfying for me anymore so I got a pole at the beginning of 2022. After putting it up, I began teaching myself from TikTok and youtube videos. After graduating college, I moved from Macon, GA to Greenville, SC, and no longer had the space to put a pole in my house.
That’s when I found The Pole Academy in June 2022. I walked into TPA expecting a workout, but what I got was so much more. Not only was I impressed at how the instructors made all the information easy to digest but I left with self-confidence and pride that I had never felt leaving any gym or sports activity. I also got to connect with an unbelievably loving and supportive community, which was beyond meaningful to me as I had almost no friends living in this city. Ever since walking through those doors in June, TPA has been like family to me, and I hope we become family to you when you walk through those doors, too.
One thing that Pole teaches you about life is how much your mind limits you if you let it. In pole, believing that you can is the first step to achieving any move. And I feel like that sets the tone for everything you do in life.
Pronoun: She/Her
XPERT Level 1 & 2

Dos Gatos
Hi, friend! My name is Dos Gatos, and I have been dancing in some way, shape, or form since I was 5 years old. I got into aerial and circus arts in high school, and first began pole dancing in 2010, while at university. Unfortunately, after graduation I lacked the resources to continue practicing, and was forced to take a break. I filled the void with hiking, rock climbing, running, and weightlifting until I was able to buy myself a home pole in 2019.
For as long as I can remember I’ve struggled with my mental health. Fitness has always been my main method of coping and regulating, and nothing soothes me quite the way pole does. I love the mental and physical challenge of the sport, and I also deeply revere the sensual origins of the art. Pole is a wonderful creative outlet, a means of emotional expression, a way to reclaim and feel grounded and powerful in one’s body, and a vehicle for joy! I truly believe that pole is for everyone, and that there is no wrong way to enjoy it!
Being largely self-taught, I eventually reached a point when my practice was beginning to plateau. I was fighting frequent injuries and feeling very discouraged. After moving to Greenville in 2021, I continued to spiral, feeling isolated and losing confidence in my ability. My partner bought me a gift certificate to The Pole Academy in 2022 to encourage me, and it literally changed my life. I have found a community of welcoming, supportive, caring humans at this studio: the staff, yes, but the students, as well. It’s an honour to now be a part of others’ pole journeys, and to share what I’ve learned about an art that means so much to me.
Pronoun: They/Them
XPERT Level 1 & 2
Sun Dog Aquafarms, LLC

I am Orianna aka Oreo, and have been apart of the pole community since the after math of the Covid 19 pandemic.
I fell in love with how healing it is to the mind and body just by moving around a tall stationary object. It brings me closer to myself and it helps me breath away any stagnant energy I’m holding in. Pole introduced itself to me back in December 2019 at a Summer Walker Concert. She had two background pole dancers who were effortlessly doing so many different shapes and lines with their bodies. Defying gravity, looking so strong and stable doing so. It immediately had me in a chokehold, love at first sight.
Since the start of my journey from March 2020 to today, I continue to use the instrument of Pole and Body to become stronger, more aware, and to upgrade to the best version of myself. I’m excited to help like minded souls to the degree of strength beauty and confidence.
Pronoun: She/Her
XPERT Level 1 & 2
CPR / AED / First Aid

I am Ash or Jynx, depending on who you ask. I have done some form of dance since I was two years old, tap, lyrical, contemporary, modern, ballet, as well as gymnastics and color guard.
I have always found it easier to express myself through movement rather than words and I love to bring that language to my students. I have been pole dancing since 2015 and came to pole from the lights and thumping music of the club life. I was self taught for the first five years of my pole experience and soon found a studio with the intent to compete. I ended up becoming an instructor and joining the competition circuit and immediately knew I had found my niche. I love the performance aspect of pole, the feeling of having an entire room (or auditorium) full of people captivated simply by doing what I love.
Through studio work, I have had the privilege of building a network of like-minded, creative people who share the same passion and I am eager to continue building a space in the pole community with inclusivity and diversity in mind.
Something I love about pole is how different every performer is, each individual brings their own style and that should be celebrated.
Pronoun: They/Them
ADPAF Beginner
CPR / AED / First Aid
3rd Place: PSO Southern 2019 - Level 4 Championship
PSO Nationals - Level 4 Championship

Hi friends! My name is Gizmo and I began my pole journey in July of 2020 and quickly started training with The Pole Academy in September of 2020.
I have known I wanted to be a pole dancer since I was 11 years old; I vividly remember watching Jenyne Butterfly perform to the song “Dog Days Are Over” and being enamored with the fine movements, the sheer athleticism required for the moves that were being completed. Almost 10 years later I decided to take the plunge into pole dancing and I haven’t looked back since. Pole dancing has given me a creative outlet and a way to safely explore dance as someone without a dancer background personally. It gave me the opportunity to feel sexy and confident in my own skin and explore achievable, bite-sized goals that felt so good to accomplish.
I began teaching in 2022 and love helping people start their pole journey! My personal favorite pole movements are pole holds and spin pole passes, as well as bendy variations on well-loved tricks. I am a firm believer that pole is for everybody and every body, and that there is no “wrong” style of pole dance.
Pronouns: She/Her
XPERT Pole Level 1 & 2
PSO Nationals 2021
3rd Place - PSO Virtual 2021 - Level 3 Dramatic
PSO Triangle 2022
1st Place - PSO Triangle 2023 - Level â…˜ Low-Flow

With a background in massage therapy and Pilates group instruction, my journey into fitness truly began with pole fitness.
Once upon a time, I walked into The Pole Academy with great apprehension. I was facing my fear of heights, trying something outside my comfort zone, and checking off my bucket list item. Little did I know, a Groupon coupon for a beginner class would flip my world upside down—in the best possible way!
It was like stumbling upon a secret world where fitness wasn't just a routine but an exhilarating adventure! Fast forward nearly a decade (yes, time flies when you're having fun hanging upside down), and here I am—an enthusiastic instructor and the creative mind behind Tree Frog Grip, inspired by my first signature move.
Beyond mastering gravity-defying tricks, The Pole Academy became my haven—a "therapole," where I learned to appreciate my body, embrace my quirks, and join an amazing community, as tight-knit as our grip on that pole. It's a second home where we celebrate victories big and small, from mastering new moves to launching my own grip aid line, which is available @thepoleacademy.
Pronouns: She/Her
XPERT Pole Level 1 & 2
Pilates Group Instruction
Massage Therapy
CPR / AED / First Aid
Tree Frog Grip LLC